Fredericksburg Parent

September 2016

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www.FredParent.NET • 11 " Congratulations to Stafford County Lt. Deuntay Diggs for winning our second Annual First responders Lip sync Battle held at our Back to school expo on August 6. this is Lt. Diggs' second time winning our cov- eted microphone trophy and he has become an online sensation! Videos of his winning perfor- mance are flooding social media sites with millions of views of his awesome dance moves! Lt. Diggs has appeared on several news broadcasts as the community responds to his uplifting nature and positivity! Way to go Lt. Diggs! Pouches' community corner reader feedback FredParent asked... heyyy.its.ashley I'll miss swimming at the pool of course! Oh and looking forward to cool weather! pickettfamily5 I will miss my kids being out of school. I am looking forward to the fall adven- tures... Pumpkin patch, apple picking. nussmeg I'll miss all the fresh produce, but am looking forward to cooler weather and fewer mosquitoes! tammy_rose999 I will miss sleeping in but I'm so looking forward to the cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattes! nat2265 I'll miss staying up late playing outside with the kids but I'm looking forward to pumpkin everything! binop555 I'm going to miss late nights and sleep- ing in. I'm looking forward to the fall weather. eMaiL your FeedBaCK to WRITTEN BY sTePhAnie MALDonADo PHOTOGRAPHS BY BenjAMin Monroe of Unforgettable Moments 2 nd annual First responders Lip Sync Battle Goes Viral What are you going to miss most about SUMMER FALL? and what are you looking forward to this

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