www.FredParent.NET • 17
Alexandria Gryder is a freelance writer and blog-
ger who studied English and film at the University
of Mississippi. Her work has appeared in The Daily
Mississippian, The View from Ventress Newsletter
and Emerge the Magazine.
Members of Fredericksburg's
community are invited to
take part in The Main Street
Initiative. Volunteering is a
great way to support the
event and the community,
and it is also a way to
encourage families to come together for a
common cause.
"Our organization works because of volun-
teers," Pons said. "There are many different lev-
els of volunteering, and sometimes we just need
help with an event. We are family friendly and
geared towards the health of a community."
Scarlett's interest in architecture and her
love for art make her a great asset for the
Main Street Initiative, and she encourages
community members to visit Fredericksburg's
Main Street website for more information on
how to get involved.
Visit FredericksburgMainStreet.org to read
Fredericksburg's Vision Statement, learn more
about their goals and future projects, and how
to contact those involved in the initiative.
Fredericksburg Main Street
Initiative is a non-profit organiza-
tion, and its goal is to preserve and
endorse Fredericksburg's historical
downtown through partnerships
that support the community.