Fredericksburg Parent

May 2023

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20 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • May 2023 20 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • May 2023 Days are slipping away. We feel them through our fin- gertips like the sand our kids once played in. No matter how tight I clench my fist the sand keeps falling. Instead of holding so tight, maybe we need to relax. Open our hands. Let the sand rest there a moment before we reach down and grab another handful. Here are 10 ways to help you enjoy the moments this summer. INTRODUCE THEM TO A MOVIE FROM YOUR YOUTH. They'll think it's fun to make fun of the clothing and hair and cheesy movie lines. You'll enjoy the walk down memory lane with your teen. LET THEM PLAN A DAY FOR THE FAMILY. Give them a budget and let them take the lead. It's exciting to see what they come up with. We could talk all about the great skills they are practicing in this one, but it's more fun just to sit back and enjoy the ride. You may be surprised to see what they come up with! READ A BOOK TOGETHER. Maybe not out loud together, but pick a book you can both read. I find my teen reads far faster than I can, so I have to make a conscious effort on this one. Without making it formal, just find times to slip the story into conversation. It's a connec- tion you can both enjoy. WRITTEN BY REBECCA HASTINGS Ways to Enjoy Enjoy Summer Summer With With 10 PICK A SHOW TO WATCH TOGETHER. Start with episode one, pop some popcorn and enjoy a good binge-fest together. While I often lament having my quiet evenings from back in the days of 8 p.m. bedtimes, you have time to relax togeth- er. Find a way to enjoy it. 1 2 3 4

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