Fredericksburg Parent

April 2018

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www.FredParent.NET 31 By exploring Naviance and talking with their guidance coun- selors, students can tailor their high school curriculum to better help them reach their goals. "They can find out if their plan should be to attend college, seek technical training, enlist in the military or pursue non-college options after high school," says Mack. SCPS offers 165 electives, including Emergency Medical Technician, automotive technology, culinary arts and electricity. Students can take courses to help in mak- ing decisions about the future. Stafford High School holds career days, hosting representatives from colleges at the school. The school's "Next S.T.E.P.S. Institute" (Success, Technology, Excellence, Preparation, Service) enables students to learn about Careers & Community to find out about dozens of possibilities for the future. College and university representa- tives answer questions and "Table Talks" offer information, such as résumé writ- ing, interview skills and college application essays. Debbie Huntsinger, Germanna Community College (GCC) adult career coach, says many factors need to be considered when choosing career options. It's important to identify the student's career interests, skills, abilities, commitment, motivation, and academic strengths and weaknesses. A conversation between the student and parents about family finances may include what each is willing and able to pay for education and training. "It's significant for parents and students to discuss motivation and commitment when con- sidering post–high school options," says Huntsinger. "A student may not be interested in a four-year or even a two-year college. Workforce courses at local community colleges may be the best option because they provide a low-cost avenue for training and education in a short period of time." GCC Workforce works closely with local businesses and partners with community agen- cies for tuition assistance for Workforce training s, job fairs and other services that lead to employment. The courses and trainings address the needs of the regional job market and students will have opportunities for employment in jobs that show growth and pay sustain- able wages when they complete the courses. Determining post–high school decisions should include: • Considering and understanding the labor market, job growth and workforce trends • Meeting with the school counselor and career coach about options and career paths of interest • Visiting colleges • Attending open houses at a local community college. GCC offers a Workforce adult career coach and counselor for course and training information.

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