12 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • November 2014
Charities You Can Work
at With Your Children
Give a man a
fish and you feed
him for a day; teach
a man to fish and
you feed him
for a lifetime.
This Chinese proverb can easily be
related to teaching children the art
of charitable giving.
eeking out opportunities to
serve the community with your
children provides them with
the starting tools they need to be
giving children.
My boys have always volunteered
with me — whether it's collecting
food for the local food
pantry, soliciting donations for
underprivileged youth or spending
time with the seniors from our
church — and it is my hope that
these experiences help create a
desire in them to want to continue
to volunteer when they are old
enough to sign up on their own.
Use interests to support a charity.
Young children can pledge money to
swim/walk/run for a certain amount
of laps to raise awareness and
money. Children can do individual
or group challenges and collect
donations from family and friends.