Fredericksburg Parent

April 2014

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30 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • April 2014 Dominion Connects Students and Families with Nature through Project Plant It! T his spring, nearly 2,000 elementary students in Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania county will participate in Project Plant It! The program teaches children how trees create oxygen and clean air, provide shelter for birds and wildlife, prevent soil erosion and can be strategically planted to help reduce heating and cooling costs, among other attributes. Each participating student receives an Eastern Redbud tree to plant in honor of Arbor Day, which is typically the last Friday in April. "The redbud is native to Virginia and grows well throughout the state," said Paulin cheatham, Project Plant It! spokesperson for Dominion, the parent company of Dominion Virginia Power. Dr. Jean Young, president of the Virginia Science Education Leadership Association (VSELA) and former science supervisor for Spotsylvania county Schools, praised the educational components of Project Plant It! "Our third grade teachers appreciate that Dominion provides all of the instructional tools that support many aspects of STEM learning in science and math. Also, the program includes many nature-based activities for families to enjoy together. It's a great resource that helps students understand how their lives are closely intertwined with the environment." "Each and every year, Project Plant It! continues to effectively engage students by connecting them with nature," said Jo McElwain of the Arbor Day Foundation. Fredericksburg-area families will find a variety of fun, interactive games to enjoy with their elementary school students on the program's website, Also, several videos on the website show students how to plant trees correctly and how to care for them. For more information, visit the website or "Like" Project Plant It! on Facebook. Visit for tips on planting trees such as the Eastern Redbud seedling.

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