You'll Thank
Me Later
Getting a head start on
your holiday shopping
is a wise investment
ust as the leaves are turning from green to gold, your
thoughts are turning to holi-
day shopping… and how much gold
it will take! If you're like me, you've
already started an informal inventory
of who is on your Christmas list this
year and what you'd like to purchase
them. And if you're scoffing right
now and thinking, "Are you crazy?
I'm still trying to pin down my child
on a Halloween costume, never mind
Christmas!" then perhaps you should
start thinking about it.
According to a new survey commissioned by TransUnion, more than half
(64.4 percent) of Americans go into
the holiday shopping season without
saving for it ahead of time. Not only
does that not bode well for your
bank account, but you could be starting 2014 with major debt which could
harm your credit score if you don't
pay it off, or on time.
20 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • November 2013