Fredericksburg Parent

September 2024

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28 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • September 2024 You may recognize her as Fredericksburg's new mayor, but to many, Kerry P. Devine is a mentor, friend, teacher, mother, and grandmother. Her journey to mayor has been one marked by resilience, dedi- cation, and an unwavering commitment to family and community. Born in Queens, New York, and raised on Long Island, Devine was introduced to politics and local govern- ment at a young age. Her parents' active involvement in politics set a strong exam- ple for her and her nine siblings. "My parents always encouraged us to be involved. My dad would sign all ten of us up to go canvas or to hand out flyers at the railroad station at 5 o'clock in the morning and then we'd go to school," she recalls. "It was just a way of life." Devine moved to Fredericksburg, Virginia after high school to attend the University of Mary Washington (then called Mary Washington College), where she majored in political science. After graduating, Devine worked for a nonprofit in Washington, D.C. She then returned to the area to become a certified teacher and now teaches high school social studies in Stafford County. While she continued to teach and raise her young family, Devine also served on the Fredericksburg City School Board from 1996 to 2004. She was then elected to the Fredericksburg City Council in 2004 where she continues to serve on the Fredericksburg Clean and Green Commission, the Arts Commission, and the Central Rappahannock Regional Library Board. In January 2024, Devine was sworn in as mayor of Fredericksburg. Even with all of her suc- cess, Devine has faced her share of personal tragedy. Just when she began serv- ing on the school board, her husband suddenly died, leaving her to raise their four young children alone. However, she didn't give up. She pressed for- ward, crediting her chil- dren's support as one of the driving factors for her success. "My family has always been supportive. When my husband died, it was a challenge because I was taking care of four young kids. But it still seemed the right thing to do to stay with what I was doing," Devine says. "It was really my kids who have been so sup- portive…and I am very proud of them." Despite life's challenges, Devine's commitment to commu- nity service never wavered. While her children were growing up, she volunteered extensively, often bringing her children along to instill in them the same values she had grown up with. Whether coaching her children's sports teams, leading a troop, or volunteering at local events, Devine made sure her children understood the importance of giving back to their community. "When my kids were young, we volunteered for events like Riverfest. They would put tennis balls on the ends of all the rebar posts that were there for the big tents so people wouldn't injure themselves. And they set up all the trash cans…things a six year old can do." Devine says. "We always volunteered as a kept us doing things together." Balancing her responsibilities was no small feat. When asked how she was able to manage it all, Devine credits her life experiences and community. From Teacher to Mayor: Meet Kerry P. Devine, Fredericksburg's New Mayor WRITTEN BY AMANDA DANAHER Kerry Devine supported by family as she is sworn in as mayor.

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