Fredericksburg Parent

September 2024

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 29 "Growing up in a big family, I learned how to juggle a lot of things. And having four kids as a single parent, I learned to juggle even more," says Devine. "And Fredericksburg is a great community where friends helped too because I knew I couldn't be in four dif- ferent places at one time." Now, as mayor, one of her key initiatives is improving connectivity between neighborhoods to create a safer and more accessible envi- ronment for all residents. "We want families to be able to be inde- pendent of cars, having a safer way to trav- el between neighborhoods," she explains. "We're really working towards that con- nectivity, so families can go to school or an event, and even go shopping safely and easily without a car." Another notable project that will soon be implemented under her leadership is a series of speed traffic cameras on Cowan Boulevard and Fall Hill Avenue near Hugh Mercer Elementary School and James Monroe High School respectively. The pro- ceeds will go towards pedestrian improve- ments, particularly around school zones. As mayor, Devine has made it her mis- sion to continue making Fredericksburg a family-friendly city for all generations. "[Fredericksburg] is great for all ages. When we're talking about family-friendly, we're so often talking about families with young children, but I really think the generation piece is important," says Devine. "When we think of a family-friendly community it doesn't just mean people with young kids but we have to think about diversity because we are also defining families in new ways." Looking to the future, Devine envisions Fredericksburg as a city that continues to evolve with solar farms and composting programs all while maintaining its strong sense of community. "We're always focused on the community and ways to make it bet- ter," adds Devine. "We're always looking at things that can really, truly help our community, and we're working on continuing the family-friendly community that we built here." TIPS FOR GETTING INVOLVED AS A FAMILY 1. INCORPORATE FAMILY ACTIVITIES One way to get involved is by volunteer- ing for activities that your child is already involved in. For example, try coaching your child's soccer team or leading their troop to get a little more involved. This not only strengthens your bond with your child but also shows them the value of community ser- vice through your active participation. 2. CREATE SHARED EXPERIENCES Volunteering as a family creates meaning- ful shared experiences. For example, serving together at your local food bank or participat- ing in the next community event can help instill a sense of community and responsibility in your children. 3. TEACH THROUGH EXAMPLE Point out ways your child's actions and involvement in their community service made a difference. Highlighting these positive impacts can help them understand and appre- ciate their role in the community. It reinforces the idea that even small contributions can make a significant difference and encourages them to continue their involvement. 4. ASK FOR HELP Having a supportive network of neighbors and friends can make a lot possible. Don't be afraid to rely on your community to be anoth- er voice and example to your child. Engaging with a broader support system can provide additional perspectives and experiences that enrich your child's understanding and com- mitment to community service. "When we think of a family-friendly community it doesn't just mean people with young kids but we have to think about diversity because we are also defining families in new ways." Mayor Kerry Devine. Devine with her children and grandchildren at Carls

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