Fredericksburg Parent

Aug 2023

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 7 Dr. Durussia Jenkins, of Fredericksburg, is one busy woman who has enough energy for three people, and she has added author/artist to her many titles. She's now working on her fifth book. Youngsters will be happy that "I Was Fine Until the Crab Moved In" is geared to them and available on bookshelves. Jenkins says the story began when she had a goldfish as a pet and a certain, very strange event happened. The goldfish bowl was blown off the table and onto the floor, and, upon first sight, it looked like the fish was dead. It turned out that her pet was actually alive. "From that moment, I drew out a children's story that had humor and hope all rolled up together, and that was how 'I Was Fine Until the Crab Moved In' evolved," she says. The book chronicles the friendship of Jack the Goldfish and his new brother, Oscar the Crab. As the two are thrust into a new relation- ship, their emotions are tested and tempers are thrown. While learn- ing to live together can be one of the hardest things to do, over time the two must learn to adapt to their new arrangement and get along. With patience and understanding, the book shows how even the greatest enemies can become the best of pals. It was co-written by her daughter, Latera Gradnigo, who was in fifth grade when Jenkins came up with the idea of the book. By the time it was completed, Gradnigo was attending the University of Mary Washington. The book, which was truly a family affair, was illustrated by her son, Torey, who is 12 years older than Latera. "I thoroughly enjoyed working with my children," Jenkins says. "They each gave input from their perspectives, and it all came together for a truly interesting story." Jenkins' other books are "I Saw the Glory" (a memoir), "Before the Stone," "Authority in the Darkness: Who is God," as well as two chil- dren's books, which are also corroborated with her son and daughter and due to come out this year. Children will be thrilled to read the trio's books, "The Chicken's Riddles" and "I Bet You Didn't Know." Jenkins, who earned a doctorate in Christian Theology, has been in full-time ministry for more than 40 years. A cancer survivor, she has dedicated her life to serving the community through supply- ing food for the poor and clothing for those in need. Her charity, Feeding the Hungry and scholarships for children to attend summer camps are also near and dear to her heart. She served in the United States Airforce and trained as a nurse and minister. In her spare time, Jenkins immerses herself in creating jewelry and art pieces. To purchase "I Was Fine Until the Crab Moved In" and other books by Jenkins, as well as for more information, visit The books can also be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BAM! (the Books-A-Million online book store) and anywhere books can be purchased. Pouches' Book Nook WRITTEN BY LENORA KRUK-MULLANAPHY Dr. Durussia Jenkins

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