Fredericksburg Parent

May 2023

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22 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • May 2023 This includes 95% of those under 35 and 95% of those under 25. 91 (MRI-Simmons, Fall 2019) THE MAGAZINE ROAS OF $6.51 WAS DOUBLE THAT OF THE TV ROAS OF $3.23, AND MORE THAN DOUBLE OF THE DIGITAL ROAS OF $2.43. (NCSolutions 2005-Q12019) when advertisers were asked which medium offers the highest ROAS, which was the highest overall? what % of US adults say they read magazines in the last 6 months? HOW MANY ADULTS AGES 18+ READ MAGAZINES? 228.7 MILLION THAT'S AN INCREASE OF 18 MILLION SINCE 2012. (MRI-Simmons, Fall 2012-2019) T H E P R I N T M A G A Z I N E I N D U S T R Y I S G R O W I N G 139 new print magazine brands with a frequency of quarterly or greater were introduced in 2019 (Samir "Mr. Magazine" ™ Husani Monitor 2020) PRINT STIMULATES EMOTIONS AND DESIRES PRINT IS PREFERRED BY THE MAJORITY EVEN MILLENNIALS PRINT READERS EXPERIENCE MORE FOCUSED ATTENTION AND LESS DISTRACTION, WHICH DRIVES SENSORY INVOLVEMENT CONTRIBUTING TO GREATER READER IMPACT, COMPREHENSION AND RECALL. PRINT READERS REMEMBER MORE. (MPA, Scott McDonald, Ph.D. Nomas Research) compared to top tech sites MAGAZINES outperform reaching WOMEN AGES 18+ (MRI Media Fusion) MAGAZINES REACH PREMIUM AUDIENCES IN HIGHƒINCOME HOUSEHOLDS* At a greater rate than newspapers, internet, radio or TV * Household income $250K+ (MRI-Simmons, Fall 2019)

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