Fredericksburg Parent

August 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 25 "Your breast milk is specifically made for your baby. Breastmilk contains live cells and antibodies, offering a passive immunity that mom has built." Whether or not mothers work outside the home, the initial period after returning home from the hospital is critical to a successful feeding journey. "It's incredibly helpful to have someone unobtrusively help by taking care of household tasks and watching other children. This allows mom to bond with her baby, establish a breastfeeding rou- tine, and recuperate during this fragile period," urges Woodhead. She adds that friends can help provide much-needed emotional support during this transition. "Moms need to be able to talk to someone about [their] feelings without fear of being judged," Woodhead advises. Mothers should also know professional help is available beyond the hospital. "Even when breastfeeding goes well in the hospital, things can quickly fall apart once at home," says Woodhead. "Doulas always follow up with moms in the first few days and weeks, once they get back home." Doulas and lactation consultants can assist with a range of issues, such as proper latching, positioning, and soreness. Some mothers find it handy to keep some reading material nearby that they can consult anytime, day or night. In her newly released book, Conneen shares "unique but tried and true" methods to breastfeeding. She discusses several relevant topics, including nutrition and lactation. Even the public can support nursing moms. "When you see a mother breastfeed in public, share an under- standing smile, or look the other way if it makes you uncomfort- able," encourages Conneen. Federal law requires employers to provide reasonable break time for up to one year for nursing employee who wish to express milk for her child.

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