Fredericksburg Parent

August 2020

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24 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • August 2020 August is National Breastfeeding Month, kicked off by World Breastfeeding Week from August 1-7. Throughout the month, women across the globe honor and celebrate the benefits of breastfeeding and support the need to destigmatize it for today's culture. BREASTFEEDING BREASTFEEDING WRITTEN BY RHIANNON ELLIS ages & stages Breastfeeding remains one of the oldest and most natural parenting practices—also one of the most stigmatized. Our ancestors not only breastfed, sometimes even exclusively when food was scarce, but they did it longer. Some studies suggest that unless these mothers gave birth again, they continued nursing their children until age 4. This far exceeds the U.S. breastfeeding average of six months. But the world is a different today, and mothers need a village of support. Jennifer Woodhead, a birth doula, childbirth educator and Founder of A Mother's Per- spective, says what working moms need most is understanding and a flexible employer. "Most moms I've talked to appreciate not working in the early evening. This will allow mom to get more sleep, and babies tend to just want to be at the breast in the evening," she says. Federal law requires employers to provide reasonable break time for up to one year for nursing employee who wish to express milk for her child. This also means dedicated space within the office. "Moms will also need a clean, comfortable and private place to pump at work," adds Woodhead. While it seems like a lot to ask of an employer, breastfeeding benefits their business. "Mothers who provide babies with milk are less likely to need time off due to a sick child," explains Caroline Conneen, a certified family nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at Kidschoice Pediatrics, and author of "Latching Well: Breastfeeding with an Integrative Approach." Two area lactation consultants share insights during National Breastfeeding Month Let's Talk Let's Talk

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