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community corner
The Table at St. George's is a market-style food pantry
serving the extended local community. Visitors are invited
to select their own items from a variety of fresh food,
including locally grown produce. The Table's mission is to
encourage healthy eating, build relationships with those in
need, and blur the lines between those serving and those
being served.
Here's how the Table is unique:
• Visitors "shop" for their own food; nothing is
designated for them.
• Fresh produce is kept in stock from local farms.
• Visitors can come weekly.
• Many who have started as shoppers now volunteer.
• The Table partners with local agencies to ensure
that shoppers have the most accurate nutritional
information on the food they're getting.
The Table is one of
the latest in a long
line of ministries
at St. George's
Episcopal Church.
Since the church's
foundation in 1720,
it has served its
local community,
founding and sup-
porting local facili-
ties. Food for The
Table at St. George's
is provided by members of the congregation, local business-
es and people in the community. The church also purchases
food from the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank.
The Table operates out of the church's Sydnor Hall on
Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 6:30 p.m. Areas
served include Caroline, King George, Orange, Spotsylvania
and Stafford counties, as well as the city of Fredericksburg.
Interested in helping the ministry?
Contact outreach@stgeorgesepiscopal.net.
The Table at
St. George's