Fredericksburg Parent

October 2017

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www.FredParent.NET 17 FUNNIEST CARVED PUMPKIN Ask the neighborhood to join you in a carved pumpkin contest. You can schedule a date and time when everyone will meet with their pumpkins at your home or a neighbor- hood park. Suggest everyone who partici- pates pitch in $2 per pumpkin for a jackpot. To keep it fair, allow only one pumpkin per child. Prepare numbered cards in advance so each pumpkin will have its own number. Then have everyone fill out a voting slip. The carver of the winning pumpkin gets the jackpot. You could also pass out small goody bags for all the kids who participate. Hand out fliers to everyone in the neighborhood or on your street to hold a Halloween game day. Ask each participating house to set up a Halloween kids' game in their front yard. Participating houses can give out small prizes, such as stickers or treats, to each kid who plays their game. Kids can wander the neighborhood playing the games for the afternoon. When they're done, have each child fill out a ballot for the most fun Halloween game. Then post a fun scary homemade sign in the yard of the winner. MOST FUN HALLOWEEN GAME SCARIEST SCARECROW Ask your neighbors to participate in a scariest scarecrow con- test. To keep the scarecrows safe until voting, set a specific day when the scarecrows should be displayed in everyone's yards. Have everyone in the neighborhood, whether they par- ticipate by making a scarecrow or not, hand-deliver their vote to you by the end of the day that the scarecrows are set out. Then deliver a fun Halloweenish homemade yard sign to the winning home. CREEPIEST FOOD Hold a simple neighborhood potluck Halloween party. Each participating family should be instructed to bring a Halloween- themed food or dessert. Place a numbered card next to each dish. Then have everyone fill out a ballot for the cutest, grossest, fun- niest and scariest food. Once the winners are announced, take photos of the families next to their creepy food. Then everyone can dig in and eat the yummy dishes and treats. Join us October 6 - 31 for "The Scarecrows are Coming". Come Downtown and vote for your favorite Scarecrows. Ballots available at participating businesses and digi- tally at Find the crows hidden in the scarecrow displays and enter to win one of three $100 gift cards! See the back cover of this magazine for more details and other Fall Family Fun events. Fall Family Fun D • O • W • N • T • O • W • N Ask the neighborhood to join you in a carved pumpkin contest. You can schedule a date and time when everyone will meet with their pumpkins at your home or a neighbor- hood park. Suggest everyone who partici-

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