Fredericksburg Parent

October 2016

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www.FredParent.NET • 5 • 12 Family Friendly Farms for the Season 14 Talking Politics to Your Kids 16 10 Great Fall Adventures and Festivals 18 Ask the Expert Elite Women's Health 27 Checking Out "Whoo's Awake at Night" Marstel-Day Brings Wildlife Center of Virginia to the Region features October 2016 on the cover Volume 17, No.10 • October 2016 fredericksburg • • • • • • ™ Celebrating 16 years Locally Owned and Operated www.FredParent.NET • • • • • • • • • • Ask the Expert Elite Women's Health 1 0 & family Volume 17, No.10 • October 2016 fredericksburg ™ • • • • • • & family fredericksburg • • • • • • & family parent • • • • parent • • • • parent • • • • With Your Kids TaLkiNg 1 0 1 0 1 0 Fall Festival and Adventures great The Scarecrows are Coming!• Oct 8 - 31 Elite Women's Health • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Oct 8 - 31 OCTOBER COVER MODEL: Georgia V. is a 3rd grader and lives in Fred- ericksburg. See page 14 for tips on talking to your kids about politics. Photograph provided by Stephanie Johnson of BabySnap Photography. 8 letter to readers Falling Together 11 pouches community corner The Doctor Yum Project 11 reader feedback Halloween in the 'Burg 21 out & about October 2016 Calendar 28 family money How to Squeeze the Most Out of Your Company's Benefit Package 29 family favorites Braehead Plantation in every issue Join us throughout October for FREE family fun all around Downtown Fredericksburg. See pages 30 and 31 for more information and a map of activities. The Scarecrows are Coming 12 14 12 14 16 18 30, 31 Fall Family Fun D • O • W • N • T • O • W • N

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