Fredericksburg Parent

August 2014

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8 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • August 2014 letter to readers PRODUCTION PUBLISHER Leigh Anne Van Doren Tabitha & Jamie Nelle's mom EDITOR-AT-LARGE Chris Jones Jordan, Quincy & Hayden's dad OPERATIONS & MARKETING Heidi DiEugenio, President, HD Solutions Duke & Dane's mom OFFICE MANAGER Nancy Massanat Emily & Kyle's Mom ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Sheila Giscard; Jack's mom Jodi Urquhart; Noah & Carly's mom DESIGN & PRODUCTION Cheryl Carter, President, Carter Creations Alex, Kate & Jackie's mom WEBMASTER Karen Charney Joshua & Spencer's mom CALENDAR EDITOR Leigha Pecher Jake & Luke's mom CIRCULATION Krista Starosta Nick, Andrew, Kaylin & Kensington's mom COMMUNITY BLOGS Mary Becelia Katherine Laura & Robert Joseph's mom FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Pamela Quinones: Corinn, Michael, Isabella & Dalton TWITTER & PINTEREST COMMUNITY MANAGER Brenda Sapanghila: Archer & Maddox's mom EVENT PLANNING & SCIENCE SATURDAYS Stephanie Maldonado; Julia, Tyler & Aiden's mom parent fredericksburg & family Entrepreneur of the Year PROUD FOUNDING MEMBER ADVERTISING PHONE 540/374-1495 E-MAIL CALENDAR & RESOURCE REQUESTS E-MAIL E-MAIL EDITORIAL PHONE 540/374-1495 • FAX 540/374-1672 E-MAIL SNAIL MAIL P.O. Box 7884, Fred'bg, VA 22404 The publishers reserve the right to reject any advertisement, editorial or listing that does not meet the publication's stan- dards. No part of this magazine may be reproduced with out permission. Listing and advertising rates are available upon request. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained herein, however, the publisher cannot guarantee such accuracy. Listings and advertisements are subject to typographical errors, ommissions and/or change without notice. For terms and condi- tions please visit our website at © Copyright 2014 Nurture, Inc. All rights reserved. Favorite School Memories A s a child, my favorite time of the year was always fall. aside from the usual reasons (Halloween, pumpkin pick- ing, a welcome relief from Virginia's oppressive summer heat), it meant that the back-to-school season was upon us. i loved the anticipation of a new school year. Who doesn't like a fresh start? Like most of us, my early childhood was lived right before the explosion of text messaging and cell phones. Granted, by the time i was a senior in high school, they had well taken over. Therefore, going back to school meant finally reconnect- ing with all the friends that i wasn't able to see over the sum- mer. We would spend most of that first week comparing our summer adventures and stiff new backpacks, our glue sticks still unwrapped, our pencils unsharpened. Without a doubt, my favorite memories of school all took place in the beginning. We were little kids with big plans and fresh school supplies. Look out world! This year, i get to relive that happy, buzzing anticipation. My son, archer, will start preschool in the fall. Much like i was at the same age, he is already excited. He asks me every morn- ing if today is the day he will get to go to school. i can't wait to be able to answer, "yes." i am probably a little over enthusiastic about picking out his first day of school outfit and backpack — hey, it's my right as a parent! Though this world is quite different than the one in which i started my school career, the excitement is still there. Fall is a time to make audacious plans, take risks, learn new things, and explore the amazing, unpredictable world around us with the enthusiasm of a child. Here's to new adventures and fresh beginnings! it's time to dive in. Brenda Sapanghila is a Social Media Community Manager at Fredericksburg Parent. She enjoys DIY projects, pop-culture, cooking and dry humor. By BrENda saPaNGHiLa

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