Fredericksburg Parent

March 2014

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www.FredParent.NET • • • 17 www.FredParent.NET • • • 17 www.FredParent.NET • • • 17 Although Jessie loves to attend camps with her friends, I hold fond memories of summer camps held right here at home. Water Camp involved squirt gun battles and watching Jessie run through the sprinklers in her bathing suit. Hey, the lawn needs watered and the girl needs a bath, so why not multi-task? It's amazing, too, how one little girl can get so drenched while helping her dad wash the family vehicles. I've learned that there are major advantages to maintaining control of the hose, but sometimes she takes over and I end up soaked, instead of just mildly saturated. I've found that Picnic Camp can be held in a variety of settings as long as snacks are involved. We've held picnic camps on the garage floor, in the back of the family van with all the seats and windows down, and in the bed of our pickup truck. A few camp Fun summer coloring books, a box of crayons, paper, a few good books, and the Cd player provide lots of entertainment. We've also had numerous Learning Camps inside Jessie's tent set. This is not always the easiest setting for a 6'5" man to squeeze into, but I wouldn't miss it. It's amazing how much more fun math and writing are in a tent instead of at the table. I've found that the blood always flows back into my legs within a few minutes of the camp's conclusion. unfortunately, I haven't been able to convince Jessie that nap Camp would be awesome. I'm not even going to tell our new puppy, Sadie, all the fun that's in store for her this summer. I know that dress-up Camp (for dogs) is already scheduled. As Sadie has previously modeled in several fashion shows and posed in all sorts of buckets, boxes, and bags, it seems kinder not to let her know what she's in for. Sadie will probably be glad when Jessie goes to some of her other camps. In a blink of an eye, summer will be over and I'll be holding Jessie's hand as I walk my third grader to her classroom. Of course, I'll be toting my camera and camcorder, ready to capture the memories of another first day of school. And who knows, when I get home after dropping Jessie off, I might just attend nap Camp. I have a sneaking suspicion that Sadie will join me. Whether your summer plans involve organized camps or make- shift ones, here's wishing you and your family a summer filled with fun, learning, lots of creative projects, and some healthy snacks. What a great way to cherish the summer moments. Patrick L. Hempfing is a former banker, accountant and auditor. He now is a stay-at-home dad and writer.

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