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(BPT) — Fatigue. Dizziness. Irritability.
Millions in the United States are experienc-
ing these symptoms, but few know they
may be the signs of a condition called iron
deficiency anemia (IDA). IDA is most com-
mon among women of childbearing age and
in those with special conditions, such as
chronic kidney disease or gastrointestinal
disorders that can cause bleeding.
IDA can sap the energy of even the
most energetic individuals. Flora Migyanka,
a mother and fitness enthusiast, learned
firsthand the impact of this condition. "I
couldn't drag myself out of bed and felt an
overwhelming feeling of fatigue," she says.
"I had labored breathing and horrible head-
aches. I do a lot of yoga and even the
www.FredericksburgParent.net • 17
Are You Getting
Enough Iron?
Deficiency affects
younger women most
Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) can
sap the energy of even the most
energetic individuals.
simplest poses caused me to become short of breath.
I was always cold and just didn't feel right."
IDA occurs when someone does not have enough
iron to produce sufficient red blood cells or makes
red blood cells that are too small. There are many
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