Fredericksburg Parent

January 2014

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fredericksburg parent & family PRODUCTION PUBLISHER Leigh Anne Van Doren Tabitha & Jamie Nelle's mom DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Leanne Dalton Justin, Steven & Rebeka's mom OFFICE MANAGER Nancy Massanat Emily & Kyle's Mom OPERATIONS & MARKETING Heidi DiEugenio, President, HD Solutions Duke & Dane's mom EDITOR Elizabeth Jones Jordan, Quincy & Hayden's mom DESIGN & PRODUCTION Cheryl Carter, President, Carter Creations Alex, Kate & Jackie's mom CALENDAR EDITOR Leigha Pecher Jake & Luke's mom ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Kathy Vaughan; Becca & Sarah's mom Michele Amaya; Hayley, Alayna, Levi & Nathaly's mom CIRCULATION Krista Starosta Nick, Andrew, Kaylin & Kensington's mom COMMUNITY BLOG Mary Becelia Katherine Laura & Robert Joseph's mom FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Elizabeth Jones: Jordan, Quincy & Hayden's mom Pamela Quinones: Corinn, Michael, Isabella & Dalton EVENT PLANNING Stephanie Maldonado Julia, Tyler & Aiden's mom SCIENCE SATURDAYS Victoria McCollum Ian & Malcolm's mom ADVERTISING 540/374-1495 PHONE E-MAIL E-MAIL E-MAIL CALENDAR & RESOURCE REQUESTS EDITORIAL 540/374-1495 • FAX 540/374-1672 E-MAIL SNAIL MAIL P.O. Box 7884, Fred'bg, VA 22404 PHONE The publishers reserve the right to reject any advertisement, editorial or listing that does not meet the publication's standards. No part of this magazine may be reproduced with out permission. Listing and advertising rates are available upon request. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained herein, however, the publisher cannot guarantee such accuracy. Listings and advertisements are subject to typographical errors, ommissions and/or change without notice. For terms and conditions please visit our website at © Copyright 2013 Nurture, Inc. All rights reserved. PROUD FOUNDING MEMBER It's Just a Phase BY HEIDI DIEUGENIO WEBMASTER Karen Charney Joshua & Spencer's mom E-MAIL LETTER TO READERS Entrepreneur of the Year 8 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • January 2014 Y Then... Now ou're expecting! Congratulations! I am sure I am not the first to tell you that it goes by quickly. And it does, seriously. But luckily when my oldest son, now almost 15, was a few months old, I received a great cosmic gift to help me keep it all in perspective — one I want to share with you. My husband and I were at church. I was holding my boy in my arms and celebrating the feeling like I finally had my feet under me again. Standing directly in front of us was a teenaged boy with his mom on one side and his girlfriend holding his hand on the other. The mom kept stealing backward glances at us, each time with a visible flood of emotion coming over her. By the third or fourth time, tears were in her eyes and she gently reached out a put a hand on her son's arm. She looked me straight in the eye, then looked down at my son, and it felt like she willed me to take it all in and enjoy each moment that lay in front of us. I could see the years of memories surge through her, the joy of the experiences and the bittersweet noting of the end of an era. It was then that I made a promise to myself to take it all in. The ups, the downs and the in-betweens. It's all a phase when it comes down to it. These words of my grandmother echo in my ear every day. When things are really great, they won't stay that way. But luckily, when things are really awful, they won't be for long, either. Bottom line is: having our kids under our roof is really just a phase. So no matter where you are on the roller coaster, remember, it won't stay that way for long! Heidi lives in South Stafford. She and her husband Dave stay busy with their active sons, ages 14 and 11, with the typical school, sports and extra-curricular activities.

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