Fredericksburg Parent

October 2024

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18 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • October 2024 Take Steps Now for a Healthy Fall and Winter WRITTEN BY EMILY FREEHLING 18 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • October 2024 Fall can be a busy season for families with children. But nothing derails a packed schedule like the flu. So when pumpkin-spice items start showing up on grocery-store shelves, make that your signal to schedule the annu- al vaccines that can help defend your family against the most common ailments that are known to circulate in the colder months. Shots for flu, COVID-19 and RSV are available at area pharmacies and physicians' offices. A great first stop for scheduling your family's shots is You can also visit the Rappahannock Area Health District's vaccine clinics. As the 2024-25 school year opened around the Fredericksburg region, Virginia was experiencing an increase in cases of COVID-19. On top of this, respiratory illnesses and influenza traditionally peak from October to February. RSV, a respiratory illness that is particu- larly difficult for the very young and very old, is also on the rise. And per- tussis, also known as "whooping cough" is also impacting more Virginians than in years past. The Rappahannock Area Health District offers this guide to preventative measures for these illnesses to help you make the best decisions for yourself and your family this fall and winter. FLU What is it? Influenza is a contagious respiratory ill- ness caused by viruses. Flu cases occur year-round, but they typically peak during October through February. Who should get the flu shot? The CDC recommends routine annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 and older. Getting the shot in late September to early October ensures that you will have peak pro- tection (which lasts for four months) through the height of flu season, but it's never too late to get this year's shot. It's OK to get the flu shot at the same time as the COVID-19 booster. COVID-19 What are current trends? While severe illness and hos- pitalizations due to COVID are lower than two years ago, Virginia did see a spike in cases over the summer when more people congregated inside air-conditioned buildings. Vaccinations have played a vital role in reduc- ing the risk of infection, including severe illness. How can I make sure I am fully vaccinated? A 2024- 25 version of the COVID-19 vaccine is now available from three different manufacturers. This new version protects against strains of the virus that have circulated more recently than when most individuals had their lat- est COVID shot. The CDC recommends that everyone 6 and older receive this updated vaccine. It is especially important for those who are 65 and older, who are at high risk for severe COVID-19, or who have never had a COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC also states that the updated shots are especially important for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant. Can I get the COVID-19 shot at the same time as the flu shot? Yes. The Rappahannock Area Health District encourages families to prepare now for the winter spread of respiratory illness. sponsored material

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