Fredericksburg Parent

June 2024

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10 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • June 2024 In addition to engaging in online dis- cussions about the rewards and chal- lenges of parenthood, members of FXBG Dads gather frequently in per- son with their kids at local parks and occasionally meet for dads' night out events like trivia nights. FXBG Dads is open to anyone. Most members are dads of preschoolers or elementary school students, though there are also new fathers, as well as men who are new to the area and even single mothers who have joined the group. "I am enjoying getting to meet other people," Jones says. "It makes me happy to know I am helping others. It's about building a sense of community. That is my goal." Jones works remotely as a computer programmer while raising his two chil- dren, 7-year-old Benny and 4-year-old Lilian, as well as his nephew 15-year- old Jayden, with his wife, Juliann. He considers himself blessed to be able to watch his children learn and grow. "My favorite part of being a dad is having these little ones who right now think I am cool and want to spend time with me," he says. "It is a pleasure and a privilege watching them grow up and develop as people." Jones and his family like to spend time together playing card games like Uno and video games, especially Mario Kart. "We also spend a lot of time playing outside and letting our imaginations run wild," he shares. "We'll play tag or pretend we are aliens or pirates." This Father's Day, Jones plans to hang out not only with his kids but also his father. "We'll do something fun as a family, but I also plan to visit my dad, who lives in Arlington," Jones says. "I am glad that he lives so close. Now that I am a parent, it makes me appreciate my parents so much more." WRITTEN BY BRANDY CENTOLANZA Three years ago, Matthew Jones, a father of two and guardian of one, began searching for a support group for fathers in the Fredericksburg area. He was disappointed to discover there wasn't a group specifically for dads, so he decided to start his own. "I noticed there were a lot of moms groups, but there wasn't anything for dads," he says. "I fig- ured if it was meant to be, then it would be up to me." In April 2021, he formed the Facebook group FXBG Dads, a community of dads who encour- age and support each other as they play an active role in their children's lives. It began with just a handful of fathers and has since grown to more than 300 members. "As men and dads, we tend to isolate ourselves and don't ask for help," Jones says. "I want this group to be a way for dads to be there for each other. It's important for dads to know that they are not alone and they do not have to suffer in silence. If they are struggling with some- thing, chances are someone else is also going through it. They shouldn't be afraid to reach out, but instead let other people be their proverbial village." FXBG Dads: Helping Fathers Connect As They Watch Their Children Grow Up diff erence maker diff erence maker

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