Fredericksburg Parent

June 2024

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22 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • June 2024 WRITTEN BY MARTIN DAVIS Americans have rarely been as removed from military service as today. The number of active-duty mili- tary personnel is near modern-day lows, and the number of Americans directly tied to military service- people also are at near-historic lows. For military personnel, this means more time away from home on deployment than ever. And for the families that support them, the stress and loneliness have rarely been as challenging. For children, being part of a military family is particularly challenging. Families left to hold down the home front during deployments, however, are not alone. There are a growing number of resources that are available. Knowing where to look, however, can be a challenge. WHAT FOLLOWS ARE SEVEN SITES THAT FAMILIES CAN LOOK TO FOR ASSISTANCE. Purple Star Schools: The Virginia Department of Education oversees the Purple Star pro- gram, which recognizes schools and districts that have created services aimed specifically at serving the children of military families. This school year, both Stafford Public Schools and Fredericksburg City Schools received Purple Star status for the first time. Families in those districts can talk to school administrators about the services and support that schools can provide you. (See related story on pg 24). Veteran Military Family Congregation: Recognizing that military personnel will often turn to a local faith-based community first when in need of help, VMFC was formed to help connect families and faith communities. Congregations register to join VMFC and, once accepted, are equipped to help their faith communities deal with the unique challenges military families face. ( Sesame Street for Military Families Library: Launched in 2006, Sesame Street developed a bevy of kid-friendly and family-friendly resources to assist military families on a wide range of subjects. Especially for families with children under 5, this site is a treasure- trove. ( MilitaryOneSource: Built and maintained by the Defense Department, MilitaryOneSource collects, screens, and points families to information and resourc- es they will need. In particular are the following two pages regarding deployment: Deployment Resources for Families, deployment/deployment-resources-for-families/, and Supporting Your Military Children through the Deployment Cycle, supporting-your-military-children-through-the-deployment-cycle/. Childcare Aware of America: Finding childcare is a national problem, with shortages reaching critical levels, especially here in the Fredericksburg area. Childcare Aware of America is available for all families, but it has programs dedicated specifically to support- ing military families. The group also provides fee assistance and respite child care pro- grams ( The number of active-duty military personnel is near modern- day lows Online Support for Military Families

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