Fredericksburg Parent

MAY 2024

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6 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • May 2024 Entrepreneur of the Year PROUD FOUNDING MEMBER ADVERTISING PHONE 540-429-3572 EMAIL CALENDAR & SOCIAL MEDIA EMAIL EDITORIAL PHONE 540-429-3572 EMAIL SNAIL MAIL P.O. Box 7884, F'burg, VA 22404 LIKE SIGN UP PIN FOLLOW @fredparentmagazine parent fredericksburg & family PUBLISHER Leigh Anne Van Doren Tabitha & Jamie Nelle's mom GUEST EDITOR Brandy Centolanza LT & Sara's mom MEDIA & ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Megan Walsh: Mia, Noelle & Adelaide's mom DESIGN & PRODUCTION Cheryl Carter: Alex, Kate & Jackie's mom WEBMASTER, CALENDAR & COOL THINGS TO DO ELETTER Caroline Murray: Nate & Brendan's mom EDUCATION & INFANT ELETTERS Debra Caffrey: Aidan's mom SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR Jessica Trask: Cye, Asher & Ragan's mom SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR Mira Dover MARKETING & EVENT INTERN Ragan Trask The publishers reserve the right to reject any advertise- ment, editorial or listing that does not meet the publication's standards. No part of this magazine may be reproduced with out permission. Listing and advertising rates are avail- able upon request. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained herein, however, the publisher cannot guarantee such accuracy. Listings and advertisements are subject to typographical errors, ommis- sions and/or change without notice. For terms and conditions please visit our website at © Copyright 2023 Nurture, Inc. All rights reserved. P E O P L E L O V E M A G A Z I N E S . T H E P R I N T M A G A Z I N E I N D U S T R Y I S G R O W I N G 139 new print magazine brands with a frequency of quarterly or greater were introduced in 2019 (Samir "Mr. Magazine" ™ Husani Monitor 2020) P E O P L E L O V E M A G A Z I N E S . T H E P R I N T M A G A Z I N E I N D U S T R Y I S G R O W I N G 139 new print magazine brands with a frequency of quarterly or greater were introduced in 2019 (Samir "Mr. Magazine" ™ Husani Monitor 2020) P E O P L E L O V E M A G A Z I N E S . T H E P R I N T M A G A Z I N E I N D U S T R Y I S G R O W I N G 139 new print magazine brands with a frequency of quarterly or greater were introduced in 2019 P E O P L E L O V E M A G A Z I N E S . T H E P R I N T M A G A Z I N E I N D U S T R Y I S G R O W I N G 139 new print magazine brands with a frequency of quarterly or greater were introduced in 2019 (Samir "Mr. Magazine" ™ Husani Monitor 2020) WRITTEN BY BRANDY CENTOLANZA letter to reader Give the Gift of Reading I am a book nerd and proud of it. I was an English major in college, and I visit my local library on a weekly basis. Reading has always been a favorite pastime of mine. The one thing I miss most now that my children are young adults is reading to them when they were younger. We had a special oversized reading chair that we would climb into and read as often as we could, usually while we were waiting for their dad to get home from work, and, of course, just before bedtime. It was a joy when they started reading to me on their own, and now I get even more of a thrill when I receive a text from my son looking for book recommendations. He likes to visit his college library and read between classes. Books were something we've always shared throughout his childhood and they continue to connect us now that he is grown. Every child deserves to be read to, especially little ones up to age five, in order for them to develop the proper literacy skills to succeed later in life. In this issue, we give you an update on the progress of the Fredericksburg Area Dolly Parton Imagination Library and all the partners who have joined Fredericksburg Parent Gives in the effort to send a free book to every child in the community. So far, 2,000 families with children from zero to age five have benefitted from this won- derful program and, with your help, Fredericksburg Parent & Family magazine aims to provide additional books to many more. May, of course, is also the month for celebrating mom. We have some great gift suggestions to make your mother feel special. Of course, you can always give her a book (and a few hours of alone time to read!) No matter what you decide, we hope you all have a fantastic Mother's Day! Brandy

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