Fredericksburg Parent

April 2024

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10 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • April 2024 The hikes not only benefit the animals, but those who walk them as well. "I love to see how excited the dogs get when we walk in on Sundays," she says. "Not only do I get some fresh air, but seeing the dogs so happy and then content and sleepy after is just the best. They love the car ride too and often use it as an opportu- nity to take a nap. I have also met some of the greatest people who I am now so lucky to count as friends outside of the hikes." Matczak, a history teacher who adopted two pets from ODHS, first began volunteering with the organization in 2021. Those interested in participating in the Sunday hikes should know that the walks are fast-paced on hilly trails. You must be able to transport dogs to the trails in your car. Hikes are recom- mended for those 12 and older, while walkers must be at least 15 to handle one of the shelter dogs on their own. Personal pets are not permitted on the hikes. "If the Sunday hikes don't work for you, please consider volun- teering in whatever capacity you can," Matczak says. "There is always something that needs to be done or you can just come and spend time with the dogs. That is just as good as any hike." For more information, visit WRITTEN BY BRANDY CENTOLANZA Old Dominion Humane Society (ODHS) recently introduced weekly hikes as a way for their dogs to enjoy time outdoors and get some exercise. The hikes, held on Sunday mornings, are led by volunteer Sara Matczak. The initiative sprang from her experi- ence tending to Zeus, one of the shelter's owner surrender dogs, three years ago. "Owner surrenders typically have the hardest time adjusting to shelter life," she says. "They do not know why they are there, they are confused and scared and miss their people. So, I started taking Zeus out to the Lee Drive Trails as often as I could." Other volunteers decided to join in after seeing Matczak's posts with Zeus on social media. Last year, ODHS opened the Sunday hikes to members of the public. Participants don't have to be shelter volunteers to walk with the dogs. The dogs enjoy a three- to five-mile hike on local trails, including Lee Drive, Fredericksburg Quarry, and Motts Run. "In the summer, we tend to switch to Pratt Park, where we can walk down to the beach on River Road and let the dogs swim before hiking back," she says. "Not only have these hikes improved the mental and emotional health of the dogs in the shelter, but it helps the Sunday morning cleaning crew so they can do a deep clean once a week while the kennels are mostly empty for up to two hours. Getting the dogs out and keeping them happy and healthy is the goal, though." Fresh Air and Fresh Air and FUN FUN for Dogs for Dogs diff erence maker

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