Fredericksburg Parent

March 2024

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14 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • March 2024 WRITTEN BY EMILY FREEHLING Ask the Expert a sk t h e e x p e rt The physicians at Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg are like detectives. When an otherwise harmless sub- stance in the environment causes an individual's immune system to mount a response that brings discomfort and adverse health impacts, these board-certified allergists spring into action. In a safe and controlled setting, they lead patients through the testing necessary to iden- tify the allergens causing the reactions, and work with patients and their families to formulate a plan for diagnosis, treatment and management. As our March Expert, Dr. Jonathan Mozena, M.D., a board-certified physician who has practiced with Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg since 2007, offers information for parents about common food aller- gies, and how Allergy Partners works with families to treat and manage food allergies in children. Q: How prevalent are food allergies in American youth, and what are the most common foods that cause allergic reactions? Food allergies have dramatically increased in prevalence over the last 20-30 years. Egg and milk allergies are the most common. Although 90% of children will eventually outgrow their egg or milk allergy only 15-20% of individuals will outgrow an allergy to peanut or tree nuts. The most common food allergies include: Food allergies have dramatically increased in prevalence over the past 20-30 years. Dr. Jonathan Mozena, M.D., board-certified physician. Trusted Advice About Common Food Allergies • Peanuts • Tree nuts • Shellfish • Fish • Eggs • Milk • Soy • Sesame

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