Fredericksburg Parent

September 2023

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22 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • September 2023 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified TBI in children as a significant public health problem in the United States. Approximately 1.1 million Virginians experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2020, and 300,000 were left disabled as a result, according to 2023 data from the CDC. Whether it's a fall, car crash, biking accident, sports injury, or a medical con- dition such as a stroke that causes brain injury in a child, a few things are almost always true: • Symptoms can vary greatly and can include physical impairments (speech, vision), cognitive (memory, concentration), and emotional (depression, anxiety). • Because the brain is still developing into the mid-20s, children are at greater risk for long-term effects after a TBI. • Ongoing family support and coordinated care that involves health care, school, and home support is key to making progress. • No two brain injuries are alike; therefore, each individual who experiences TBI needs a personalized recovery plan. Since 1989, Brain Injury Services serves residents of Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg, and the surrounding counties with life-changing support for children, adults, and veterans who have experienced a brain injury. These services, provided free of charge thanks to donations from members of the community, ensure that brain injury survivors, their families, and caregivers receive the comprehensive help they need. Families of children who have experienced a brain injury face unique chal- lenges. A diagnosis is just the beginning of a long journey of recovery. With the brain still developing, some symptoms may not present immediately, requiring compassionate care that can respond in real-time to a child's changing needs. Add to that the fact that parents often juggle work, siblings, and many other responsibilities as they navigate the often-confusing web of services their child needs to access within the school and health care settings. A Lifeline for Brain Injury Survivors "We are so blessed to have the BIS team on our side since our daughter's stroke. They are patient, considerate, loving, kind, gener- ous, and thoughtful, not only with our daughter, but our entire family." - Lanell Osinga, parent WRITTEN BY EMILY FREEHLING Brain Injury Services provides free assistance to survivors and their families Sponsored Material

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