Fredericksburg Parent

September 2023

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 17 Join us for the live conversation on Sponsored Material INTELLECTUAL What it means: Recognizing your creative abilities and finding ways to expand your knowledge and skills. Ask yourself: When have I learned something new recently? Is there a creative activity I once enjoyed that I could make room for in my life right now? Ask kids: What are your favorite classes in schools? Why? What are some ways you could keep learning about those topics outside of the classroom? ENVIRONMENTAL What it means: Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environ- ments that support well-being. Ask yourself: Is my home an overall source of calm or stress? Are there small actions I could take to reduce any stress I feel about where I live? (Call the landlord to fix a leak, get to know my neighbors better, remove clutter to have a calmer space, etc.) Ask kids: Talk about the different spaces where you spend time over the course of a day (home, school, daycare, sports venues). Which of these spaces do you enjoy the most, and why? FINANCIAL What it means: Satisfaction with current and future financial situations. Ask yourself: Do I have a good sense of how much money I spent and brought in in any given month? Do I have room in my budget to put funds into savings? Ask kids: Talk to kids about different purchases they or your family may want to make. What makes something a "good value?" What steps do you take when considering making a purchase? SOCIAL What it means: Developing a sense of connection, belonging and a healthy support system. Ask yourself: What have I done this week to connect with friends or make new friends? Who can ask to help me in an emergency? Ask kids: What are the events in our days that promote good social connection? Family dinner? Circle time at school? Talking to friends at recess or the bus stop? These are important parts of our day, not just extras, because they contribute to our social health. PHYSICAL What it means: Recognizing the need for diet, exercise, sleep and nutrition. Ask yourself: In what areas of my life could I trade sitting or standing for walking? (Parking farther away, taking the stairs, walking to work, etc.) How many hours of sleep do I get each night, and do I need to reduce my own screen time to get more sleep or activity? Ask kids: How many fruits and vegetables did you eat today? How can we increase that number? Can we set a family chal- lenge to spend time outside (walking, playing basketball, toss- ing a baseball, playing hopscotch) before watching TV or other screens at night? Go deeper. SAMHSA's "Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness" includes prompts and activities to help families think through changes that can improve the eight dimensions of wellness. Download the guide at Virginia Prevention Works! is promoting the eight dimensions of wellness through its own program, "Activate Your Wellness." Find resources for individuals, groups and more at virginiapre- The Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB) provides resources and community trainings aimed at helping to reduce harmful behaviors and promote mental health for individuals in the Fredericksburg region. Visit to learn more.

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