Fredericksburg Parent

September 2023

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16 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • September 2023 WRITTEN BY EMILY FREEHLING Ask the Expert a sk t h e e x p e rt Back-to-school season is a prime time to assess the areas of your life contributing to your wellness. Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB) has resources to help you and your family make positive changes. On the parent calendar, September can feel like a second New Year's, as the start of a new school year for the kids brings the opportunity to build new habits, routines and goals. As the disruption of the pandemic moves farther into the rear view, the start of the 2023-24 school year is an important time to invest in you and your family's overall wellness. We aren't just talking about getting flu shots and taking your vitamins (though those are also impor- tant). This is about the big picture. Take time now as a family to think through various aspects of your lives, and how small changes in those areas could contribute to a greater sense of wellness. Building this strong foundation isn't just a nice thing to do— it's an important part of building resilience that can help you weather future challenges. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified eight Dimensions of Wellness to help individuals and families examine how their behaviors are contribut- ing to their overall well-being. Use these dimen- sions and the suggested conversation-starters for each of them to start your own family discussion. Remember—you don't have to make huge changes in every dimension to see results. Take one area at a time. Even small changes can have big impact over the long-run. SPIRITUAL What it means: Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life. Ask yourself: What is my personal mission statement? Is there an underlying "why" to the things I do and the decisions I make? Ask kids: When have you been in a situation where you had to think about what was the right thing to do? How did you decide which action to take? The ideas that guide us in tough decisions are called "values." EMOTIONAL What it means: Coping effectively with life, and creating satisfying relationships. Ask yourself: What actions or activities do I take to cope with stress? Are these contributing to or detracting from my overall wellness? Ask kids: Let's talk through your week. What are some of the specific feelings or emotions that you have experienced this week? Emphasize that emotions are nei- ther good nor bad; rather, the things we do to cope with emotions can help us or hurt us. OCCUPATIONAL What it means: Personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one's work. Ask yourself: What are some ways I can feel a greater sense of control over my work life? Learning a new skill? Focusing on managing time? Setting firmer bound- aries around my personal life? Updating my resume and educating myself about current opportunities in my field? Ask kids: How do you feel on Sunday night, when you know you are going back to school on Monday? If you feel fear, anxiety or dread, what do you think is causing those feelings? What are some steps you can take to address these causes? All All Eyes Eyes On On WELLNESS WELLNESS

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