Fredericksburg Parent

May 2023

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 29 You can also inadvertently impact your kids' body image by making negative comments on other people's bodies. When kids "hear adults disparage other people's bodies," Dr. Engeln says, "they learn to apply the same sort of criticism to themselves when they look in the mirror." Even positive comments can be detrimental, such as when we say that so-and-so looks so much better now that they've lost all that weight. "Instead of commenting on how their current body looks compared to their past body, compliment their hard work, dedicated effort and resil- iency," suggest Drs. Sasha Ulrich and Deidre Paulson, family physician and clinical psychologist, respectively. Your kids' body image is also influenced by how you talk about food and eating. Be careful about encouraging your kids to nibble. Dr. Horstman defines a nibbler as "the person at the party who eats one carrot stick, only to be dipped lightly in fat-free dressing, and claims that they're full —the fullest they've ever been, in fact." This type of "restrictive eating," as Dr. Horstman refers to it, is problematic because your kids will feel bad about themselves, and they won't be satisfied and just end up making up for their hunger at the next meal. If your kids are hungry in between meals, offer them a nutritious snack as a good and healthy option. You shouldn't suggest to your kids that they should only eat certain "good" foods and avoid all "bad" foods. "The food you restrict or place rigid limits around," says Sumner Brooks, a registered dietician, "are very likely to become the most desired foods, and it gives these foods a lot of power as 'special' or 'forbidden.' The result? Kids may choose to eat more of these foods when you're not around, hide or sneak them or learn to feel bad about themselves for even wanting them." More generally, Ms. Sumner says, "Precious family time can be overtaken by arguments about a child's eating, instead of meals being about positive connection and chatting about the day." Instead of labeling food as good or bad, let kids "know that certain choices are better for growing, strength, and concentration," says Diana Chillo-Havercamp, a licensed clinical social worker with expertise in children. Dr. Angela Celia Doyle, a clinical psychologist, agrees. She suggests that parents teach their kids "that all food consists of varying levels of nutrition and calories." + Don't comment on other people's bodies + Don't encourage your kids to nibble + Don't pressure your kids to only eat certain foods all food consists of varying levels of nutrition and calories...

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