Fredericksburg Parent

November 2022

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 37 Coordinated care benefits children Besides the convenience of not having to seek out separate pro- viders for different dental special- ties, Let's Smile's multi-specialty approach also ensures that chil- dren get the care they need in a timely manner—often helping them to avoid more costly and cumber- some interventions later in life. "In almost 80% of the kids I see, there are conditions that when I intervene early, it prevents expen- sive, lengthy, intrusive treatments down the road, such as jaw surgery or extraction," Dr. Ghatri says. The American Academy of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first check-up with an orthodontist as soon as an orthodontic prob- lem is detected, and no later than age 7. This is why pediatric dentistry and orthodontics go hand-in-hand, and make sense to have under one roof, as Dr. Ghatri has done at Let's Smile. At Let's Smile, dentists are in constant communication with orthodontists, and as a child develops problems that could have orthodontic implications, such as thumb-sucking or jaw posture, parents can have the peace of mind that their child is getting the care they need without having to drive to multiple specialists. "All of these things that the pediatric dentist observes can be communi- cated with the orthodontist," Dr. Ghatri says. "That way the orthodontist can jump in sooner and do preventative work to help the patient avoid the need for more aggressive treatment later on. With separate practices, some of these early warning signs can get lost in communication between two different offices." And because dentistry and orthodontics co-exist, a single set of X-rays can inform providers in both specialties, saving time and money. When children approach age 14 or 15, Dr. Ghatri often recommends removal of wisdom teeth. While many parents remember doing this closer to ages 18-20, Dr. Ghatri said early removal can avoid more complicated extractions later. To keep the process simple for families, he also has oral surgeons at Let's Smile's Fredericksburg office. Bottom line to parents: Expose children to dental care early If there's one message he could deliver to parents, Dr. Ghatri says he would encourage them to not miss those early dental and orthodontic visits, both because they can help catch tricky problems when they are easier to treat, and because they help children build comfort with seeing dental specialists. "When you expose children to dentistry early in a friendly environment with murals on the wall and staff who are trained to relate to children, that anxiety that a lot of kids have about going to the dentist will be eliminat- ed," he says, "and they will think of it as a fun place where they want to go." To learn more, visit LET'S SMILE DENTAL • Locally based practice started by a longtime orthodontist who saw the need for families to have more convenient options for dental specialties. • Eight offices throughout the Fredericksburg and Northern Virginia areas. • Offering pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and oral surgery. • Family-friendly payment plans for orthodontics, with low down payments and interest-free financing. • Pediatric dentists make early childhood dental visits easy and fun. • Having orthodontics under the same roof ensures access to important early interventions. • Specialists regularly confer and offer second opinions to ensure the best treatment plan for every patient. • Care team is carefully selected for expertise in their specialty and a drive to constantly improve and provide the best patient care.

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