Fredericksburg Parent

November 2022

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 23 While it can be easy to feel overwhelmed about the risks today's youth face, parents, caregivers and those who regularly interact with children should take heart in the power they have to bring posi ve change to young people's lives. Just by being a consistent, positive presence in the life of a child, you are reducing that child's level of risk. Posi ve childhood experiences and rela onships will pay dividends throughout an individual's life. Finding opportuni es to have conversa ons about mental health, substance mis-use, suicide and other important issues is a way of building up your child's safety net. You're le ng them know that there's a safe person to go to when they confront some of these issues in the real world. At RACSB, we believe parents are fundamental to a strong, healthy community. We're here to support you on this journey. Whether that's a li le li or a life me of support, RACSB will meet you at the intersec on of help and hope. Start by reaching out to us at our local offices, or visit us at Parents are the Ultimate

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