Fredericksburg Parent

August 2013

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FAMILY VALUES "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr.Seuss them. Handling the ending — as they had the beginning, middle, and every point in-between — with sportsmanship and grace. Had I taught her this and forgotten it myself? Or, had others infused this wisdom? Either way, it is a lesson worth remembering when facing any ending from birth to death. There is always sadness in loss, but there should be more joy and thanksgiving in the realization that it happened. Life will be filled with endings. What a wonderful gift to teach children these simple, yet compelling words and to let them sink into their impressionable spirits. Be happy for the experiences life gives, take joy in the journey. Concentrating on the past only steals time from the future. Live with thankfulness, carry forward the lessons; live in the present. Elaine Stone, mother of three, lives in Spotsylvania. Write: Launch Rockets Battle Robots Build Bridges Fall Programs ® Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers SAVE $10 Enter Code: FBPFA13 Limit one Coupon Per Customer. New Registrations only! EXPIRES 10/31/13 Excerpt from "Helping Children Cope With Change" by Jeanne Burns WHO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE? As parents you hold the key in this ever-changing world to providing a sense of safety and assurance in your children's world. Nothing else, whether a person or an item, can encourage a child to feel at peace with his or her situation like a loving, involved, dependable parent. Therefore, whatever the change occurring in a child's life, the best prescription for coping with that change is to have a reassuring parent who is living through it with the child. WHAT CAN A PARENT DO? What can a parent do to help a child learn to deal with the inevitable change that occurs as a part of life experiences? Here are some suggested opportunities for positive input: BE AVAILABLE. A child handles all of life better if a parent is fully present. BE INTENTIONAL. Think ahead. Prepare your child, if at all possible, for any change in life. If the totally unexpected does occur, your preparedness is one step ahead in dealing with it. Engineering For Kids® brings science, technology, engineering, and math to elementary and middle school students in a fun and challenging way through classes, camps, clubs, and parties. Engineering is, after all, one of the fastest growing industries in the world! Please visit our website for more infomation or Call (540) 288-1335 BE INVOLVED. You are not a spectator. You are an intricate element in your child's life, whatever is occurring. Participate fully. BE INFORMED. Have as many answers as possible and educate yourself in advance about things you anticipate or things that could occur. www.FredParent.NET 33

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