Fredericksburg Parent

August 2022

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 5 2022 August August 10 The Tongue Is Your Face's Braces 12 8th Annual Family Favorites Appreciation Event 16 How To Choose The Right Day Care 18 Higher Education's New Normal 21 Storytime at Possum-bilities 22 ASK THE EXPERT Fredericksburg Orthodontics and invisalign ® Center features features 6 letter to reader The (Educational) Road Less Traveled 7 pouches Nina Parrish 8 practical pantry The Benefits of Grocery Shopping in Person 14 ask mom My Son Doesn't Like Change 24 family favorites Central Rappahannock Regional Library Tutoring 27 out & about August Events 28 ages & stages Key to Raising Confident Children 30 family money The Cost of Midlife Crises in every issue The August cover showcases Mira Dover on the cam- pus of Germanna Community College. Mira is Fred- Parent's Social Media Director and a rising Junior at James Madison University. See our feature, "Higher Educa on's New Normal" and Mira's ar cle about FredParent's recent story me event at Possumbili es on pages 18 and 21. Photos taken by M&J Photography. View more of their work at: @melissajennphotography on the cover on the cover

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