Fredericksburg Parent

June 2021

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32 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • June 2021 ages & stages WRITTEN BY SANDI SCHWARTZ Positive Peer Pressure We often hear about the many negative aspects of peer pressure and worry that our children's friends could push them down a path of trou- bling behavior like bullying or drug use. Fortunately, there is a flip side to peer pressure if harnessed in the right way, as friends can play a major role in building our children's happiness. Positive peer pressure occurs when friends try to influence others to do something positive, proactive, or productive. This encouragement improves the behavior and attitude of the individual, leading to positive change and growth. Positive peer pressure can influence both thoughts and actions. When children are inspired to think more positively about themselves, their entire life improves. They can overcome negative self-talk and low self-esteem, allowing them to live happier, more productive lives. Our kids' friends can be a great support to them as they face challenges, try out new things, and explore new ideas. These friends can provide the kind of relationship and support that only a peer can give them. They accept them for who they are, which can help our kids feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. These friends can also serve as a positive role model to push our child to gain new experiences, and ultimately be a better person. Tackling new tasks can be hard for kids since it takes courage and confidence. For some, it is easier if they have a buddy who serves as a mentor to help them along the way. Having this type of peer sup- port can also help kids overcome their fears, whether it is trying out for a sports team or giving a pre- sentation in front of the class. We cannot always be there to support our children, so it is wonderful when they have a group of friends who can fill that role throughout their day. A friend who provides positive peer pressure also helps direct our kids on a path that leads to better choices. For example, if a child is bullied at school, he may want to retaliate and start a fight. A friend with positive peer characteristics would encourage the boy to take a few deep breaths, walk away and tell a trusted adult about the incident. This is the type of friend parents dream of, because the situation could easily go in another direction where a peer pushes our child to fight and then he ultimately ends up being suspended from school, or even worse, seriously injured. Our kids will surely face difficult situations, so having friends who provide moral support and encour- agement can truly make a positive impact on their lives. Benefits of Positive Peer Pressure How Friends Can Boost Happiness We cannot always be there to support our children, so it is wonderful when they have a group of friends who can fill that role throughout their day.

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