Fredericksburg Parent

September 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 7 Pouches' community corner It's easy to find a new best friend to foster or adopt by checking out the available cats and dogs on the Fredericksburg SPCA website. As the Fredericksburg SPCA helps its partner res- cues and shelters in Virginia and beyond during the COVID-19 Pandemic, there's a need for dog and cat fosters. "The animals we intake need direct foster placement to ensure they get the care they need," says Von Young, market- ing & communications man- ager. "There has never been a more exciting or impactful time to foster. Families have enjoyed the constant com- panionship through this crisis as much as the animals have enjoyed being out of the shelter." Due to the stress of the loud, chaotic environment in a shel- ter, dogs can mentally deterio- rate within one to two weeks of beginning the stay. For cats, the deterioration can begin as soon as they arrive. Young says getting the animals into a home environment sets them up for long-term success and provides valuable informa- tion about their personalities so they can be matched with the right adoptive home. Children will learn animal safety and responsibility, and let their compassionate natures shine. Fostering provides these four-legged friends with a place to grow, recover, socialize and learn the skills to help them find "forever" homes. You provide the love and attention, and the SPCA supplies the food and supplies. Volunteering includes walking, feeding, cleaning, playing and caring for the animals with the repayment of happy tail wagging and knowing you've made a difference in a dog's life. Because major fundraising events have been canceled or post- poned until 2021, the SPCA is always in need of donations. "Making a gift through our website or even by donating one of our most needed items from our Amazon Wish List is greatly appreciated," Young says. The Fredericksburg SPCA is located at: 10819 Courthouse Road in Fredericksburg. For more information, visit Email or call (540) 898-1500. 2 2 0 Y e a r Ann i vers ar y ! 2 0 Y e a r Ann i vers a r y ! Fredericksburg SPCA WRITTEN BY LENORA KRUK-MULLANAPHY

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