Fredericksburg Parent

September 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 11 WRITTEN BY ISAAC SHORTER Since gluten makes me feel bad and dairy makes me fidgety, I am enjoying my diet eating gluten and dairy free. I can see that this diet makes me feel completely great, let gluten and dairy free food pile up on my plate. Bagels, cookies and muffins Will you pass the cornbread, please? plus do not forget the chicken nuggets and the mac n cheese. Even things already without gluten and dairy I still like just as fine, fruits and vegetables are a necessity when it comes to dine. Plus peanuts, chips, fish, rice and eggs let's not forget chili too, chop up some carrots and potatoes and put it in the stew. Slap some mustard and mayonnaise on some gluten free white bread, and let visions of corn on the cob dance inside your heads. Eating some dairy free ice cream feels good upon your throat, eating it when you have a hot fever is the perfect anecdote. Eating gluten and dairy free is healthy when you get the chance, but before i eat anything else I need a bigger pair of pants. April 4, 2020 Back Back Sponsorships Camp summer summer F IR A Four Fredericksburg 1 2 3 Contact Fredericksburg Parent to find out how you can be a part of Fun4Family 2020 events. Call today to reserve your space or sponsorship and ask about a special anniversary discount for participating in all four (4) events! 4 2 F r e de r i c ks b u r g P a r e n t. ne t 2 0 Y e a r Ann i vers ar y ! 2 0 Y e a r Ann i vers a r y ! F r e de r i c ks b u r g P a r e n t. ne t "Hooked on Science" with Jason Lindsey. Breastfeeding Consult GIVEAWAY Win a phone consulta on with lacta on consultant Caroline Coneen when you sign up for the 540 BABY ele er at oncoaching Award-winning Fredericksburg area lacta on consul- tant and owner of Mother's Best, Coneen is offering you her exper se on preparing to breas eed, or trouble shoot any problems you are having during breas eeding. Sign up to win at oncoaching Holiday Cash GIVEAWAY The Holiday Season is near... and we want to help you spread some holiday cheer! We are giving away CASH FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS! One lucky winner will receive $3,500 in cash! Visit for more details and for your chance to win. Living Gluten-Free Gluten- and dairy-free are Isaac's favorite foods because he feels so much better when he eats this way. COVID-19: Stories of Strength and Survival Tell Your Story of Suppor ng the Community during COVID-19. How did you and your team rally for your business and your community during the COVID-19 pandemic? What changes did you make? What problems did you face and how did you overcome them? How did you give back to the larger community? FredParent's January 2021 issue will tell YOUR story. We look forward to sharing stories of hope and survival in a limited print edi on of "COVID-19: Stories of Strength and Survival" that will be a keepsake and record of Fredericksburg's response to the pandemic. We are looking for medical professionals, educators, small business owners, non-profits, essen al workers, neighbors, parents, kids and others to respond to If you are interested in sponsoring, please email Sign up to win at Contest runs Sept 7 - 28 Contest runs Sept 7 - 28

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