Fredericksburg Parent

September 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 23 If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call RACSB Emergency Services Therapists at 540-373-6876. They're available 24/7. You can also call 911 and ask for a CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) trained officer. You can also contact: • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 (Press 1 for service members, veterans, and their families) or text "Hello" to 741741 to talk to a Crisis Text Line counselor. • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990 • The Trevor Project Hotline provides support to the LGBTQ community at 1-866-488-7386 or text them at 678678. • Por favor, ayudame este numero 1-888-628-9454. Stay tuned to the Fredericksburg Parent and Family Facebook page and YouTube channel for a video interview with mental health profes- sionals at RACSB during the month of September. Know the Signs and Play a Role If you observe someone in your life who is withdrawing from people and activities they typically enjoy, or who is ceasing self-care routines that had been well-estab- lished, such as hygiene, exercise and other wellness activities, this individual may be having a mental health crisis. Other warning signs include the inability to experience pleasure, sleep and appetite disturbance, increased use of alcohol or drugs and talk about hopelessness or wanting to die or kill oneself. It is important not to ignore signs like this, and to not be afraid to speak directly to someone who may be in crisis. "Start with an honest conversa- tion," Olsen recommends. "Say, 'Here is what I am seeing, and I am worried. Are these concerns legitimate?' … I would advocate that people get comfortable with reaching out and having that diffi- cult conversation. It may very well save someone's life." Karla Lewis is an Emergency Services Therapist for RACSB. Emergency Services is a 24/7 resource that provides counsel- ing and referrals to community resources, as well as triage for psychiatric hospitalizations. Lewis points out that starting a conversation like this can be par- ticularly hard for parents who see warning signs in their children. But it is important not to avoid the hard questions. "You can't put suicidal thoughts in someone's head. Asking them if they want to live or die is just as clear as day, and that is how I tell parents to ask it," she said. For older adults who may live on their own, the pandemic has intro- duced a new level of isolation. "If you have loved ones who iso- late a lot or who used to contact you and you don't hear from them at all now, it's important to check on them," Lewis advises. There is a Path to Help Individuals who are struggling, and those who are concerned about loved ones should know that many resources exist in the Fredericksburg community to help those who are at risk for death by suicide. Emergency Services is available 24/7 to those seeking help. If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychiatric crisis, you can call Emergency Services at any time of day to work with a trained professional to figure out the next best step. In Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford counties, call 540-373-6876. In Caroline County, call 804-633-4148. In King George County, call 540-775-5064. "You will get someone on the line right away," Lewis said. "We start with 'What's going on, how can I help you?'" and can then walk callers through everything from how to find a therapist to making a decision about hospitalization." "We are walking with you through your journey and helping you figure out the next best step to take to live a better life," Lewis said. "Make the call. Ask the hard questions. This is your time to get your thoughts out and bounce ideas off people. That is why we have that line and it's 24/7. We want you to have those resources." To learn more about area mental health resources, visit WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDALITY: • Talking about wanting to die or kill oneself • Looking for ways to kill oneself, such as searching online, stashing medications, or buying a firearm • Talking about feelings of helplessness and hopelessness • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain • Talking about being a burden to others • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly • Sleeping too little or too much • Withdrawing from friends and family • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge RACSB offers both adult and youth Mental Health First Aid courses as well as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) to interested community members seeking to help those experiencing a mental health-related crisis. Visit www.rappahan- to learn more.

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