Fredericksburg Parent

Winter 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 11 4. READ TOGETHER Be like Clark Griswold and his clan in "Christmas Vacation" and gather round to read "The Night Before Christmas." There are also classic audio books your family could lis- ten to as you wrap gifts or unwind after work or school. Books are the perfect way to learn about different holiday traditions, too. Ask your local librarian for recommendations of books about Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or celebrations such as Lucia Day or Three Kings Day. 5. WATCH HOLIDAY MOVIES. Going to the movies may not be feasible this year, but that only inspires me to create a cozy movie night in my own living room. My family likes to don holiday pajamas, snuggle up in throw blankets with snacks and hot cocoa and laugh away at "Elf" and "A Christmas Story." There are so many great shows and movies celebrating the season that your family will find one that inspires festive spirit in everyone! 6. CELEBRATE OUTSIDE No matter the temperature, it's always an excellent idea to head outside. Go for a walk and listen to the wind whistling through bare trees or whipping around build- ings. Notice the birds that winter in your area. Decorate a tree outside, whether in your backyard or on your balcony. Get warm by a back- yard bonfire or stargaze on a frosty evening. Maybe the best outdoor activity of all is piling into the car to see the holiday lights and outdoor decorations in your neighborhood. 7. GO VIRTUAL Whether it's Facebook Messenger, Zoom or Skype, there are a myriad of ways to extend season's greet- ings to friends and families. So, plan that video chat with Aunt Susie or hang out online with your best friend. Reaching out and connecting, even in a virtual for- mat, benefits everyone, especially during the holidays.

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