Fredericksburg Parent

October 2020

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34 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • October 2020 family money WRITTEN BY NIKKI DUCAS Budget –Yes, believe it or not, babies don't need a lot of stuff. You will spend money - so add a line for baby to your budget. Newborns actually only need diapers, wipes, sometimes formula, onesies and socks, swaddlers and a place to sleep. When parents go overboard spending, it's not a need for the baby; it's really for what they want. Buy Used and Resell – Yes, believe it or not, babies do grow over night. You should take advantage of hand-me downs, shopping at consignment stores and finding deals on Facebook Marketplace. Many times you'll find new or barely used clothes and baby gear there for a fraction of the retail cost. For the most part, products used within the first year don't have much wear and tear. For us, it was like renting the gear. We used it and turned it around; selling it for essentially what we bought it for. Keep a Minimalist Mindset – Yes, believe it or not, there is such a thing as a plastic jungle. You will ask yourself how it is possible that someone so tiny can take up so much space. Stick to basic needs and only hold onto what is necessary. This will save you space, sanity and money. For us, the "can't live without it" item was the travel swing. Keeping your finances under control is hard enough under regular circumstances, never mind when pregnancy hormones rage. Don't let the financial stress of a new arrival diminish the excitement of growing your family. Here are some money saving tips and thoughts to keep in mind for new and expecting parents that will hopefully slow the urge to spend on all things baby. Think Long-Term – Yes, believe it or not, you will sleep again. Things to think about now rather than later: you need to update medical and life insurance, organize key records, keep medical bills in order, review estate plans and nominate a guardian for your child. Set Aside Money for their Future – Yes, believe it or not, baby does grow up. Open a Virginia 529 Account. Funds contributed to a 529 plan account can grow tax-free from Federal taxes and can be used to fund education expenses nationwide. Virginia taxpayers can also benefit from a state income tax deduction on contributions. The sooner you start, the more your savings can grow. Saving $100 a month could grow to $40,000 or more by the time your baby is 18 years old. Remember baby won't be little and squishy for- ever. With these tips you'll be able to give baby a good financial start. TiPS for New and Expecting Parents Money 5

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