Fredericksburg Parent

August 2020

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10 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • August 2020 Virtual Tutoring for In-Need Families The Knowledge Exchange, Inc. is a Fredericksburg-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides education services to kids locally and across the country. They've been helping students since January 2020. "Everybody should be able to have access to quality education, people shouldn't be limited in their education because of lack of funds. We empower our community by giving information about finances, fitness, education. We build communities as well as provide knowledge," says Angie Penn, CMO of The Knowledge Exchange, Inc. Penn and founder Jimmy Shing, both Fredericksburg locals, want to build up the Fredericks- burg area. While they're based in Fredericksburg, they provide virtual tutoring nationwide. "We want to be able to provide what we weren't able to have access to and give a better experience, not just to kids, but to the whole family," she adds. WRITTEN BY AMY TAYLOR THE KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE EDITOR'S NOTE: Summer learning loss happens when children in grades 3 through 8 experience academic declines over summer—anywhere from 20 to 50 percent—particularly in math and reading. With COVID-19, there is greater con- cern that disadvantaged children are not only already behind but could remain behind with schools in limbo. For many kids, tutoring may be the answer. Back to school preparation looks a lot different in 2020 than it has in previous years. When we'd be visiting new teach- ers, picking out backpacks and snapping cute first-day photos, many parents are struggling with heavy decisions about their children's education. We're navigat- ing a world where homeschool, virtual learning or hybrid learning are the only safe and available options. If you're con- cerned that your child may have fallen behind in the past few months, there's a nonprofit organization here to help close the COVID-19 learning gap. Closing the COVID-19 Learning Gap Facing School-Aged Kids Angie Penn, CMO of The Knowledge Exchange, Inc.

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