Fredericksburg Parent

August 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 5 6 letter to readers The Wisdom of Ants 7 pouches DREAMS4U 13 practical pantry How to Avoid Cooking Burnout 19 family favorites Bright Beginnings Music Together 24 ages & stages Let's Talk Breastfeeding 33 blogger spotlight Meet Lauren Malloy 34 family money How My Family Saved Money During COVID-19 in every issue in every issue on the cover on the cover 10 10 22 22 14 14 16 16 The August cover features Benne Covill on a Fredericksburg City school bus at the Transporta on Department offi ce. Photo taken by M&JPhotography. View more of their work at: @melissaandjennphotography 8 Staff Bookshelf: Here's What Our Staff 's Readin' This Summer 10 The Knowledge Exchange: Closing the COVID-19 Learning Gap Facing School-Aged Kids 14 How to Parent Children With Emotional Disabilities 16 ASK THE EXPERT Fredericksburg Orthodontics and Invisalign Center 20 The Importance of Traditional Play in a Digital World 22 Virtual Learning Tips 23 10 Tips for Moving to Online Distance Learning 28 Trying to Raise a Resilient Child? Don't Make These 5 Mistakes! 30 Mary Washington Obsetrics and Gyneocology 32 FREDParent Virtual Camps features features 14 14 August August August 2020 2020 22 22 28 28

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