Fredericksburg Parent

August 2020

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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 21 MOTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Children develop their fine motor skills through play. Using crayons to color a picture helps develop fine motor skills. Other activities that help develop fine motor skills are playing with play dough, cutting with scissors, stringing beads and using lacing cards. They also develop gross motor skills during play time. Games like tag or hopscotch integrate the large muscle movement which will help children gain balance and spatial relationship to the world. Playing and climbing at the park helps kids learn to use their bodies and provides vital exercise for children. PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Kids can work through their emotions by simplifying situations through play. This helps them express their feelings and regain control. They may act out something that scared them, like a car accident they saw while driving past. They may also play out something they are not allowed to do and then work through the consequences through play. "Play can be safe outlet to work through situations that cause them anxiety, such as starting school or visit- ing the doctor. Letting the child take on the role of the authority figure will help them process how events may unfold." says Early Childhood Education Educator, Kara Thomas. DEVELOPMENT OF IMAGINATION Play builds a child's imagination. You can help your child with imaginative play by role play- ing with them. Call them on the pretend phone, ask them to cook you lunch in the play kitchen or have them use the doctor kit to do a check up on you. Engage them in conversation while you act out these scenarios. Often, you will be surprised at their perceptions. By role playing, they learn to better understand their surroundings and build their imagination. Traditional play time allows kids to work through their emotions healthily and develop important skills. It is vital to provide a child with adequate play time in their day, especially with all the dis- tractions in today's digital world. The best part is, the kids will have so much fun, they won't realize they are learning.

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