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www.FredericksburgParent.NET 9 YOUR MIXING BOWL EGG SLICER Let your trusty old egg slicer serve more than one purpose! It can also slice mushrooms, strawberries and bananas into perfectly uniform piec- es great for snacking, kiddie plating or as ingredients. Slice up a bunch of produce to freeze for ready-to-make smoothies! Your mixing bowl can take taco salad to the next level. It's easy to make your own taco salad "shell" or bowl. Just take a large flour tortilla, spray it with a little cooking spray or but- ter, flip a medium-sized oven-safe mixing bowl upside down, and mold the tortilla onto the bowl. Place it in the oven and bake until it "takes the shape" of the upside-down bowl and hardens a bit (perhaps eight min- utes or so). Once hardened, you can remove it from the bowl, turn it right side up, and fill with all your favorite Southwestern salad fixings! COOKIE CUTTERS Cookie cutters can make fun pan- cakes and eggs. Make Sunday morn- ing a little more fun by using all the cute metal cookie cutters you have in your collection to make fun pan- cake shapes. Grease metal (don't use plastic, they will melt!) cookie cutters with cooking spray, place on your buttered griddle or skillet, and then pour your pancake batter into the cutter and bake. The same concept also applies to eggs! Once you give these ideas a try, it's fun to think outside the box and experiment with other ways you can hack your already-existing kitchen tools to serve double or sometimes triple duty. Not only will this concept save you space, but money, time and dishwasher room as well! What other ways can you try using what you already have?