32 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • November 2019
Volunteering is an ideal way for children and teens to be
part of their community. It gives them a chance to ex-
plore their talents, and it also teaches morals and empa-
thy toward others. When children volunteer with their
parents, they spend valuable me together while doing
something posi ve in the community.
Robin Wild and her daughters Grace,
age 11, and Rose, age 5, of Freder-
icksburg, began volunteering at the
Old Dominion Humane Society in
2018. Grace wanted to do some-
thing to help animals, and Robin
found Old Dominion to be the
most accommoda ng for her
daughters' ages.
"The most important thing
volunteering teaches
them is giving me, heart
and soul—and love,"
says Wild. "It teaches
them how to give
purely with no expecta-
on of ge ng something
in return."
The Benefits of
with Your Child