Fredericksburg Parent

March 2019

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20 Fredericksburg Parent and Family • March 2019 "SORTING, COUNTING AND SPATIAL REASONING SKILLS ON AISLE 5" The fi rst thing you'll notice about our little Neri Family Grocery is that the shelves tend to get a bit messy. That's because the second thing you'll notice about our little Neri Family Grocery is that kids love to rearrange all the produce and packaged goods on its shelves, over and over and over again. It's a ton of fun. But at the Children's Museum, the fun is just part of the story. If you look closer, you'll start to see that every time kids restock those shelves, they learn valuable lessons in sorting, counting and spatial reasoning that give them an important head start when they begin their schooling. Teachers say they can see a real diff erence in kids who have learned through play. And as for parents? They see a diff erence, too—in not only their kids, but their relationships within the family as well. Because play brings people together, even while it's moving them ahead. And that's pretty fun, too. D OW N T OW N F R E D E R I C K S B U R G C H E S T E R F I E L D S H O R T P U M P C H I L D R E N S M U S E U M O F R I C H M O N D . O R G

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